Resolution Proposal!

Posted by Adriana Nanette - -

Now that we know how the human rights in Tunisia have been violated, we can come to a conclusion about what should be done for the country. First of all, there should not be any corruption in the government whatsoever. When voting, people's right to vote have to be taken in consideration. If people desire to change the ruler of the country and want to vote and/or express their opinion about the government, let them. They have the right to freedom of speech. If they do protest, do not kill them. Listen to their thoughts. Violence is not the key to having a problem-free nation. Protests should be in a peaceful manner but when people have protested for a while and still no change has been made, they will protest even harder. Remember that protesting like this is an act of courage. They want to change the government, knowing that the government has the power and deaths may occur. This should not happen! Nobody should take another person's life away. Ben Ali ruled for 23 years. It is time for him to step out. They have a reason to protest and they should be heard!

People should not be unemployed in any part of the world. Tunisia's unemployment rate has been among the highest in the world for almost two decades. This is one of the reasons for which Tunisians have been protesting. I think that if somehow there is unemployment, they should receive some type of assistance or motivation to work hard and to somehow, sometime be able to have employment. It is unbelievable!

What Tunisians need right now, is a good leader. They practically need a new constitution, a government that will respect the people's rights and listen to what they have to say. Tunisians need a ruler that will respect their right to life and not kill its people because they are expressing themselves. People need jobs! They need money! They need peace! They need to overcome poverty and unemployment with hope. Donations to the country are needed! Tunisia certainly needs to improve their living. Tunisians need to seek for a higher standard of living.

Tunisia needs a change! If Tunisia's government cannot provide them with what they need, they have to look somewhere else. Search for help in other countries! Please, help to stop the abuse of human rights. Help to stop the government from taking advantage of the people. Help to stop violence and deaths. This is a big step  to get the peace they need. They need your country to help!

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