Top 10 Proposals!

Posted by Adriana Nanette - -

1. Ian-Haiti
It is very impressive to learn how people in this country have to survive. There has been many destructions and so much poverty. They need our help... now!

2. Valeria-Uganda
It is horrifying to know that the right to be educated has been violated in this country. Education is the key to survival!

3. Hector-Egypt
They are in need of a true leader who cares about people and their opinions. Many rights have been violated because of the corruption in the "government". This has led to protests and it has to stop!

4. Natalia-Dominican Republic
There is so much poverty! The unsanitary conditions people live in is incredible. They have also suffered natural disasters and need our help to survive.

5. Geordaliz-Bangladesh
Reading through your blog I have realized how lucky I am to live how I live and it makes me sad that nothing has been actually done to help this. Women rights are violated and it makes me angry to know that this still happens. Something has to be done quickly.

6. Giovanni-Cuba
For many years has Cuba been a dictatorship and I think it is time for them to experience a democracy and have their human rights respected.

7. Paola Cruz-Somalia
People are being severely punished in Somalia and something has to be done about it. They need a new government that will treat people how they should be treated.

8. Roberto-Brazil 
The human right to be treated as a human has been violated. People are being tortured!

9. Wilson-Afghanistan
There is a lot of discrimination and violence in Afghanistan. I believe this country to change needs your help to survive.

10. Natalia Sanchez-China
The Chinese government has to open their minds! They have to think outside the box. Having so many restrictions is not good.

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